2016年3月をもちまして、これまで個人事業で活動してまいりました<Okita Yosuke Attitudes>を法人化し、アティテュード株式会社を設立する運びとなりました。
Notice about Office Moving and Change to Incorporation.
Notice about Office Moving and Change to Incorporation.
We decided to incorporate Okita Yusuke Attitudes which has been managed as a private business on 1st March, 2016 and establish Attitudes inc.
In addition, our office also has been moved in accordance with this incorporation.
The new office is located at the foot of Ikoma-yama, near Ikoma station by Kintetsu train. (*We had a satellite office in Tokyo as well therefore it became more convenience to have an activity or meeting in Tokyo area.)
Based on this quiet and good environment, we will be creatively dealing with new challenges therefore we sincerely ask your continuous support in the future.
* Our address, phone number, and email address have been changed. We sincerely ask you to change the registration.
→Please refer to our contact page.