すみだ向島 EXPO 2021
2021東京・墨田区の向島地区を舞台に行われた“街なか芸術祭”「すみだ向島 EXPO 2021」(副題:隣人と粋でいなせな日)のパンフレットのアートディレクション、デザインを担当しました。
art direction: attitude inc.
design support: Yuya Ishi
Writing: Shiori Yamashita
photography: Shinko Tsujimoto
client: すみだ向島EXPO2021実行委員会
SumidaMukojima EXPO 2021
2021We were in charge of the art direction and design of the pamphlet for the "Sumida Mukaishima EXPO 2021" (Subtitle: Neighbors and Chic and Insane Days), which was held in the Mukojima district of Sumida Ward, Tokyo.
art direction: attitude inc.
design support: Yuya Ishi
Writing: Shiori Yamashita
photography: Shinko Tsujimoto
client: SumidaMukojima EXPO 2021 Executive Committee